It’s Pride month (duh!) and here at Dispensary 33 we celebrate and acknowledge queerness every day. It’s no secret that the connection between identity and cannabis is a strong one.
The queer and cannabis community have shared common struggles, values, and aspirations, as both communities have literally had to fight for their right to party.
Both have often found solidarity in supporting each other’s causes. Let’s take a look.
Allen Ginsberg - an American Poet and writer best known for his poem “Howl” founded the first legalization advocacy group in 1964, aptly named “LeMar” for “Legalize Marijuana” (slay).
This group operated out of New York City’s lower east side, and organized regular protest marches, where oftentimes Ginsberg could be seen wearing a sign that read “POT IS FUN”. We at D33 are inclined to agree with Mr. Ginsberg – Pot IS fun!
Harvey Milk (legend) - the first openly gay man to hold public office in California ran on a platform of changing policies based in LGBTQIA+ discrimination and cannabis reform in the 1970’s. Milk brought these issues to the forefront of American politics which led to the state of California becoming the first state to legalize cannabis for medicinal use.
Harvey was tragically assassinated in 1978 and never got to see cannabis legalization in action but will forever be remembered by the cannabis community as one of our earliest advocates. Rest in peace, Harvey.
Dennis Peron - aka the “father of medical marijuana” was a Vietnam Veteran and gay man who openly sold cannabis out of a supermarket in San Francisco. He was inspired by his own struggle with alcohol, and the positive impact cannabis had on his sobriety. Peron also saw friends and partners struggle with the symptoms of the AIDS pandemic and the relief cannabis afforded them. Despite being raided and arrested multiple times for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, he pushed forth. He was an activist and contributed to writing ballot initiatives and passing medical cannabis legislation. It’s likely our dispensary wouldn’t be here if not for the incredible work of Dennis Peron.
Power to the Plant 🌱
The effects of cannabis are uniquely different to everyone, but there is no denying that cannabis opens the mind to a new perspective. The folks we mentioned above knew that the power of the plant could change the world, as it changed their own lives themselves.
Think about the first time you tried cannabis, and the feeling of experiencing a new feeling. When you allowed yourself to try something new, like cannabis, you offered yourself a new perspective. Dots that were lost, are now connecting and those deep thoughts might find their way to the front of your mind.
Cannabis is powerful. It has the power to lead you to a new place, unlock doors, and change you. This powerful plant has been along for the LGBTQIA+ activist ride and will continue to be there for all the queers who need to keep connecting those dots.
Stay gay. Stay stoned. See you next time.